CS302p Assignment 1 Solution 2023


You are given a Boolean Expression having 7 Variables. You are required to:

  1. Draw the circuit diagram using a Logic Converter in Electronic Workbench.
  2. Simplify the Expression using Logic Converter.
  3. Convert the Simplified Expression into a NAND-based circuit diagram.

What to Submit?

  1. Submit the Simplified Boolean Expression Statement as a TEXT.
  2. Submit the NAND-based Circuit diagram with the OUTPUT replaced with your VU Student ID.

Note: Copied assignments will not be accepted. Student Must have to mention their VU Student ID in the shared circuit diagram, otherwise, your assignment will be marked as a Copy Case as well.


1. Submit the Simplified Boolean Expression Statement as a TEXT.

A’FGH’ + A’EH’ + A’D + B’EFGH’ + C’EFGH’ + BC’D + C’DH + E’F’GH + DEFG’

2. Submit the NAND-based Circuit diagram with the OUTPUT replaced with your VU Student ID.

If you need this circuit diagram EWB file kindly join this group. Join

NAND-based Circuit diagram of A'FGH' + A'EH' + A'D + B'EFGH' + C'EFGH' + BC'D + C'DH + E'F'GH + DEFG'